Physics, Water and Fire systems bring the perilous environments of Lara’s world alive, and challenge the player to improvise solutions to obstacles

And because the story deals mainly with Lara's past, those who haven't played any of the previous games won't feel as though they are lost or missing out on any information, making it a great starting point for those just now getting into the series.Works on: PC | Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) | New fans and old fans alike can find something to like about Tomb Raider Legend. While the game has plenty of relics and tombs to explore, Legend also contains more urban locals as well. Along the way, Lara is tasked with solving puzzles, traversing the globe, climbing through relics and fighting off mercenaries and fellow treasure hunters in order to successfully restore the sword to one piece.

Told partly in flashbacks, Lara must recover four pieces of a legendary sword in order to reveal the truth about an explosion that took the life of her mother. The story of Tomb Raider Legend combines the classic treasure hunt aspect of previous Tomb Raider games with a mystery revolving around the death of Lara Croft's mother. Players won't notice any extreme, game-changing differences to Lara or her world, but instead will find everything they've liked about the Tomb Raider games polished up and made more accessible. While this could be a good or bad thing depending on who you are, one thing is for certain and that is that the developer of Tomb Raider Legend, Crystal Dynamics, has definitely tried their best to breathe new life into a franchise that was getting a bit stale. Unlike the previous games in the Tomb Raider series, Lara Croft's seventh outing Tomb Raider Legend was not developed by Core Design.